IEA Wind
Onshore wind turbines generate power at low cost, especially if emissions are factored into conventional fuel prices. Offshore wind power in turn has great potential to significantly increase the contribution of wind power to the electricity mix of the future. However, this requires its costs to be further reduced. In order to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by wind power, both on- and offshore, power grids need to be upgraded to meet the increasing demands and cope with the greater diversity.
The aim of the Technology Collaboration Programme (TCP) "Wind" of the International Energy Agency (IEA) is to promote cooperation in research and development in the field of wind power and to provide important information, analyses and tools for its members.
The members of the IEA Wind TCP pursue four strategic objectives:
- Increasing the value of wind power in the energy system and energy markets.
- Further reducing the cost of onshore and offshore wind power.
- Promoting collaborative research and enabling the exchange of best practice examples and data.
- Increasing the social acceptance of wind power and further improving the environmental compatibility of the technology.
Year of foundation: 1977
Members: 21 member states plus European Commission: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, United Kingdom
Sponsors: WindEurope and Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA)
Funding: Cost-shared
Task 11: WindScout (Strategy, Collaboration & Outreach on Urgent Topics of Wind Energy Research)
Task 25: Energy Systems with large Amounts of variable Generation
Task 28: Social Science of Wind Energy Acceptance
Task 30: Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC6 )
Task 37: Wind Energy Systems Engineering
Task 39: Quiet Wind Turbines Technologies
Task 44: Wind Farm Flow Control
Task 45: Wind Turbine Blade Recycling
Task 47: TURBINIA - TURBulent INflow Innovative Aerodynamics
Task 49: Floating Wind Arrays (IDEA)
Task 51: Forecasting for the Weather Driven Energy System
Task 52: Large-Scale Deployment of Wind LIDAR
Member: Franciska Klein, Germany,
Member Support: Friederike Barenhorst, Germany,
Alternate: Dr. Stephan Barth, ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research, Germany,